Monday, August 30, 2010

Tenth Amendment: Limited Power

   The tenth amendment limits the power of the federal government. It helps keep the country running in good shape. It helps divide the powers so that no one man has too much power. They wanted a democracy. Therefore, they separated power and elected someone to be the main person, president, but they needed other people to help him run the country. It also helps make the job easier because no one person has too much work to handle.

In the article, it shows how they are trying to get better people to do the checks and balances which is one way limited government works. They have limited government so that each branch can check the other braches to make sure everything is going well.


article source:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vanessa,

    Good choice of article, but these entries need some work. You seem to like referring to groups or individuals as "they" but you need to explain who "they" are.

    Follow the prescribed format: cite the source, list the amendment that goes with the article, explain what the article was about and then give your opinion.

    Lastly--please proofread your posts for grammar/spelling!
