Monday, August 23, 2010

Second Ammendment: The Right to Bear Arms.


           The right to carrry arms.The right to shoot someone, as other people would call it. THis ammendment protects the right of a citizen to carry a gun. It protects ones right to be "protected". I put protected in quotations because even though you use it for protection it can turn on you and just be use to kill you.
           Weponds inthe united states are very dangerous to carry and have in your house. This is a statement that many people believe in and that have been prove soo many times. The cartoon above is showing how the right to carry and posse a gun can effect someones life. This is how many death in the United States are caused by gun violence. The gun violence really does affect people in a negitive way if the owner is a responsible owner. Notice how on the tombstone it says another gun violence. Its pointing out how this happens alot. and that we should try to do something about it.        

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