Monday, August 30, 2010

Tenth Amendment: Limited Power

   The tenth amendment limits the power of the federal government. It helps keep the country running in good shape. It helps divide the powers so that no one man has too much power. They wanted a democracy. Therefore, they separated power and elected someone to be the main person, president, but they needed other people to help him run the country. It also helps make the job easier because no one person has too much work to handle.

In the article, it shows how they are trying to get better people to do the checks and balances which is one way limited government works. They have limited government so that each branch can check the other braches to make sure everything is going well.


article source:

Fifth Amendment : Double Jeopardy

     The Fifth amendment gives us the right of double jeopardy. Double jeopardy protects us from being trialed on the same charges. This means that a court cannot convict a person of the same crime twice. WHat i mean by this is that a person can not be convicted for murder nad maslughter if it was the same killing. They must be two different killings in order for then to acctualy be trialed differently.
      Without this many people would be convicted twicewhich wouldnt make much sense because it would still be the same case. I do believe this is a good thing because it prevents that sort of thing. Which in all is good.

Fourth Amendment: Our Privacy Right

The Fourth amendment,our privacy right. This amendment protects us from officials just coming in and envading our privacy. It is illegal for them to do something like that. They must present a warrent before entering someones property. To get the warrent the officials that want to search the property must first request a warrent in the court. And a judge must aprove it before any actions towards the property are made. 
         In this cartoon you can see two officials trying to get in someones home. But they arent violenting anything becuase they have a warrent. But even though thy have it they are entering the home with no respect. SOmething they must do before anything. They are just barging in. So in this they are showing how  

Monday, August 23, 2010

Second Ammendment: The Right to Bear Arms.


           The right to carrry arms.The right to shoot someone, as other people would call it. THis ammendment protects the right of a citizen to carry a gun. It protects ones right to be "protected". I put protected in quotations because even though you use it for protection it can turn on you and just be use to kill you.
           Weponds inthe united states are very dangerous to carry and have in your house. This is a statement that many people believe in and that have been prove soo many times. The cartoon above is showing how the right to carry and posse a gun can effect someones life. This is how many death in the United States are caused by gun violence. The gun violence really does affect people in a negitive way if the owner is a responsible owner. Notice how on the tombstone it says another gun violence. Its pointing out how this happens alot. and that we should try to do something about it.        

First Ammendment: Freedom of speech,religion,press,pettion, and assembly

      Freedom of religion. One of the things protected by the first ammendment of the constitution. It gives one the right to practice any religion og choice without being judge or haveing to say anything bad about it.

    In this article it demostrates how the freedom of religion is being practiced now. It shows how the Muslim community is trying to build a Mosque, which is a muslim place of worship, two blocks away from ground zero.Even though they have the right according to the constitution to do this, people arent to trill by this. But the constitution gives them the right to build it because of the first ammedment of the constitutuion. But people find this offensive.I believe people shouldnt relally say anything because they arent breaking any law by constructing this Mosque. Acctually they are following it. Freedom of religion people.